Dragonball Collection 英語




今回の内容は こちら と同じです。

Translated by Google.

I will show you one of my collection.

One of my collection is “to collect Dragonball comics volume 23 which are transrated in each language.”
That’s why I like Dragonball and the most favorite story of them is the episodes of Freeza.
Therefore, every time that I go abroad, I alway check whether the version of each language of Dragonball comics are published or not.
This time, I would like to show you the part of it.
(By the way, Nowaday as the comics was revised to the new version, the original comics volume 23 haven’t published any more. Therefore I collect the volume which are correspond to the volume 23.)



『Hurry up!!!! It’ll be your fault if we run out of time!!!!』


『The Ginyu Force!!!!』




2004年にアメリカに行きました。アメリカでは、”Dragonball Z”⇒ ”Dragonball”の順番に展開されたため、日本版でいう23巻というものは存在しません。なので代わりにこれを購入しました。

I went to the United States in 2004. In America, as Dragonball was released in the order of “Dragonball Z”, –> “ Dragonball ”, unfortunately I couldn’t find the volume 23. That’s why I bought this instead of that one.
By the way, a friend of mine from America taught me that “Genki Dama” is called “Spirit Bomb” in the US. And also, there are lots of differences of the specialty technique naming between Japan and the US.




